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Traffic Stops | San Diego Law Blog

What Should You Do During a Traffic Stop?

By San Diego Attorney on May 20, 2024

A man being pulled over by a police officer.

Being pulled over during a traffic stop in San Diego can be a stressful experience, but knowing the right steps to take can make all the difference. Maintaining your composure is not just beneficial, but it is also essential. Staying calm while asserting your rights can significantly affect the outcome of the interaction.

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Racial Profiling: Police Bias in Traffic Stops

By San Diego Attorney on February 15, 2024

A dark skinned man being handcuffed by a white officer.

Most Americans believe racial profiling is a real, widespread issue. For others, it is an old problem with a new name. Racial profiling is defined by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as “the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual’s race, ethnicity, religion or national origin.” If you are a member of a racial minority group, this form of discrimination can increase the risk of bias exhibited toward you during a traffic stop.

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Posted in: Traffic Stops

The Consequences of Fleeing the Scene of a Traffic Stop

By San Diego Attorney on January 25, 2024

A car pulled to the side with a cop car behind it.

Traffic stops are pivotal moments with legal implications that extend beyond the roadside encounter. Understanding the dynamics of traffic stops, your rights, and the potential consequence of fleeing is crucial for any driver. If facing fleeing charges, seeking legal representation is crucial. A San Diego traffic stop defense lawyer can ensure a comprehensive and strategic approach to address the complexities of your case.

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How to Safely Transport Firearms in California

By San Diego Attorney on May 5, 2020

Moving can be stressful enough without having to worry about being arrested. While it is legal to own weapons on private property in California, when it comes to transporting them, specific rules apply under the law. You must understand how to safely transport firearms to avoid criminal charges.

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Posted in: Traffic Stops

What Is the Punishment for Speeding in California?

By San Diego Attorney on July 20, 2017

Like every other state, if you are caught speeding in California, you will be fined. But what is different in the Golden State is just how expensive speeding tickets can be. So why the high cost? What makes speeding in California so much expensive than in any other state?

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Posted in: Traffic Stops

Can the Police Search Your Car?

By San Diego Attorney on July 1, 2017

There is great debate about whether or not police are legally allowed to search your car, and if they are, exactly what circumstances warrant it. There are many different answers to the question because it really depends on the individual circumstance, what the officer has seen or smelled, what has transpired before the search, and the information the officer has on an individual or the vehicle at the time. In short, the question cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.”

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Posted in: Traffic Stops

Can the Police Search My Cell Phone After a Traffic Stop?

By San Diego Attorney on January 15, 2016

Your Rights After Being Pulled Over

At some point in your life, you will probably be pulled over in a traffic stop if you drive. Do you know what your rights are? After being pulled over for a traffic stop, it is crucial that you know your rights! You are protected from unlawful searches and seizures in such instances. If a police officer asks to see your phone, you need to be aware of your legal rights.

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Posted in: Traffic Stops

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James N. Dicks

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