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Domestic Abuse | San Diego Law Blog

When You Are Accused of Domestic Abuse Against the Elderly

By San Diego Attorney on April 15, 2024

a elderly woman in a wheelchair putting both hands in front of her face. In front of her is a clenched fist.

Charges of elder abuse can have serious consequences in California. If convicted, you may be facing significant jail time. Sentence length varies depending on the particular circumstance and how the district attorney chooses to prosecute the cases.

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Posted in: Domestic Abuse

If You Live with the Person Accusing You of Domestic Abuse

By San Diego Attorney on February 10, 2024

A black and white image of a women sitting holding her knees and resting her head in her arms.

Being accused of domestic abuse can be a shocking wake-up call. Whether the accusation was unexpected or something you should have seen coming, its effects on your life, work, and family can be far-reaching and hard to erase. This situation can be even more difficult if you live with the person accusing you of domestic abuse.

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Posted in: Domestic Abuse

Contesting or Modifying Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

By San Diego Attorney on November 27, 2023

A DVRO is a court order that has a significant and far-reaching impact on your life. It may limit your physical freedom, damage your career, and cause several types of negative consequences. DVROs that restrict parental visitation can be very harmful to children.

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Posted in: Domestic Abuse

Common Misconceptions About Domestic Violence Charges

By San Diego Attorney on July 10, 2023

Parent is holding her little girls arm and is about to use violence. Representing child abuse and domestic violence.

Domestic violence is a serious legal matter. The justice system in California takes domestic violence cases very seriously and imposes heavy penalties for such offenses.

It is essential to fully understand this issue under the law and debunk the myths surrounding domestic violence. Being aware of common misconceptions will better prepare you in the event that you are accused of a domestic violence offense.

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Posted in: Domestic Abuse

Fixing Relationships After a Domestic Violence Incident

By San Diego Attorney on June 20, 2023

A married couple both with their heads in their hands in a couples therapy.

Domestic violence is a sensitive topic, and after an incident, it might seem impossible to keep the relationship intact. Both parties may want to heal and reconcile, but the road toward rebuilding trust is a long one paved with the need for change. If you are trying to repair your relationship after a domestic violence incident, it is not impossible, but it will take a lot of work and require honest effort.

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Posted in: Domestic Abuse

Domestic Violence Allegations During Divorce

By San Diego Attorney on March 20, 2023

A man holds his head in his hands and we see his eye through his fingers. He is wearing a wedding ring. He looks sad.

Divorce can bring out the worst in the best of us. It is not uncommon for a spouse to make false allegations of domestic violence against the other spouse during a divorce. There may be several possible motivations for accusations of domestic abuse, including revenge, jealousy, the desire to gain an advantage in court, or to get the upper hand in a child custody dispute. Regardless of the motivation, if you are dealing with domestic violence allegations during a divorce, it is in your best interests to speak with an experienced San Diego domestic violence defense attorney as soon as possible.

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Posted in: Domestic Abuse

When You’re Arrested for Retaliating Against an Abuser

By San Diego Attorney on February 15, 2023

Victims of ongoing domestic abuse who eventually fight back against an abuser may be facing criminal charges. This shocking state of affairs came about due to the extremely harsh set of laws regarding domestic abuse in California.

Arrested on a domestic violence charge after retaliating against an abuser in San Diego? Contact jD Law Criminal Defense Attorneys today at (760) 630-2000.

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Posted in: Domestic Abuse

What If Someone Accuses You of Gaslighting Them?

By San Diego Attorney on February 10, 2023

Gaslighting is the act of psychologically manipulating another person to the point that they begin to doubt their sanity. The essence of gaslighting is to exercise control over another person, and may include denying an incident even occurred. When gaslighting is associated with acts of domestic violence, it poses problems both for the accused and the alleged victim.

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Posted in: Domestic Abuse

Domestic Violence in LGBTQ+ Relationships

By San Diego Attorney on October 1, 2022

In the past, domestic violence awareness has been primarily focused on heterosexual relationships. However, researchers found that participants who identified as gay or lesbian reported higher domestic violence and sexual violence rates than heterosexuals in a recent CDC study. In fact, gay men and bisexual women are more likely to experience severe physical domestic violence than straight people, as reported by HRC.

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Posted in: Domestic Abuse

Were You Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence?

By San Diego Attorney on April 23, 2022

Domestic violence is a horrible thing to be accused of when you are innocent. The possible legal consequences and damage to your reputation can seem unbearable at times. Unfortunately, false allegations of domestic abuse are not as rare as some people think.

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Posted in: Domestic Abuse

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James N. Dicks

About James N. Dicks

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