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Violent Crimes | San Diego Law Blog

When Juveniles Are Accused of Violent Crimes

By San Diego Attorney on May 30, 2024

A young man in handcuffs with his hands to his head in anguish.

If your child is facing any type of criminal charges, you will immediately want to find a defense attorney who has experience in the juvenile justice system. This is a serious situation that could cast a dark shadow on your child’s future.

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Posted in: Violent Crimes

What Is ‘Mayhem’ Legally and Why Was I Charged With It?

By San Diego Attorney on March 25, 2024

Close up of the definition of mayhem.

California’s “mayhem” law is a serious legal concept with substantial implications. Understanding what constitutes mayhem, why someone may be charged with it, the potential legal penalties, and the available defenses is crucial. Delving into the specifics of mayhem cases, including real-life examples, can shed light on the complexities of this criminal charge.

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Posted in: Violent Crimes

California Use of Force: Self-Defense and Stand Your Ground

By San Diego Attorney on January 5, 2024

A hand blocking a punch in front of a grey background.

California law provides individuals with the right to use force in self-defense under specific circumstances. While self-defense laws in California provide a legal foundation for the justifiable use of force, veering outside these boundaries can lead to serious criminal charges with significant consequences. If you were in a situation where self-defense was necessary, an experienced San Diego criminal defense lawyer can assess the elements of self-defense related to your case and ensure your rights stay protected during legal proceedings.

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Posted in: Violent Crimes

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James N. Dicks

About James N. Dicks

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Time is of the essence when your future is in jeopardy.
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