blog home Theft Crimes What are the Penalties for Grand Theft and Petty Theft in California?

What are the Penalties for Grand Theft and Petty Theft in California?

By San Diego Attorney on August 1, 2013

California Penal Code §487 classifies grand theft as the criminal act of illegally taking, stealing, embezzling, transporting or otherwise carrying the personal property, goods, money, and/or possessions belonging to another person and valued at more than $950. An employee’s or worker’s aggregate theft of at least $950 in currency, labor, real estate, vehicles, animals or other personal property from his or her employer, over a one year period, also qualifies as grand theft. There are certain circumstances, in which the illegal possession of certain objects or materials of a lesser value, could warrant a grand theft charge as well.

Not all grand theft charges are felony charges. Grand theft can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. If you are charged with a misdemeanor grand theft in San Diego, or the state of California, you could be facing at least 12 months in jail and a $1,000 fine upon conviction. Should you be charged with a felony offense, as is often associated with the theft of a firearm or vehicle, you could be facing between 16 months-3 years in state prison, along with a maximum fine of $10,000. Community service, probation and other penalties may also be handed down in connection with such charges.

California Penal Code §488 states that any other type of theft can be considered to be petty theft. A conviction for petty theft comes with a maximum $1,000 fine or no more than 6 months in jail, or both. The theft of property valued at less than $50 can be charged as a minor infraction, at the sole discretion of the prosecution, and would involve a maximum $250 fine upon conviction.

If you or a loved one has been arrested for petty theft or grand theft, you owe it to yourself to seek legal representation immediately. No matter the gravity of the situation, when you contact JD Law, a San Diego theft crime attorney will be able to thoroughly review the charges against you, find any discrepancies in the prosecution’s case and advise you on the course of action that will help you seek the most positive outcome. Our attorneys understand the impact such charges can have not only on your personal, but professional, life. You can count on us to fight hard to protect your rights and to act as the aggressive advocate you need to fight back in court. Call today!

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Posted in: Theft Crimes

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