This scholarship is now CLOSED. Thank you to all who applied.
Please check our blog and Facebook page for announcements.
For inspiration, have a look at our previous winners.


jD LAW founder James N. Dicks & his team

Taking on new challenges can be difficult, especially when others say we should avoid them. The legal team at jD LAW understands this firsthand: whenever we choose to take on a new case, others would advise us not to, saying it is not our battle to fight. But when we take on a case, we stand by our convictions and clients all the way to trial. Now, we want to stand by the students who have chosen to stand up for what they believe is right by offering the Against the Current Scholarship.

This scholarship is open to residents of San Diego County only and shall provide two high school seniors or current college students with $500 towards their post-secondary educational expenses. Students in good standing with their schools may apply with the application below. All we ask is that you write a 500-1,000 word essay explaining a time you fought for something you believed was right.

The deadline to apply is May 5th, 2021. Once we have reviewed every application, we will announce the winners on June 2nd. Good luck to every applicant!

Scholarship Details

Amount Awarded:
May 5, 2021
Winner Announced
June 2, 2021

Short Essay: 500-1,000 Words

Standing up in the face of doubt and adversity can be a powerful learning experience. We all face challenges in life that test our views of right and wrong, but what sets us apart from others is our ability to take a stance and fight for what we believe in. At jD LAW, we stand by our clients to ensure they receive the best legal advice possible, even when other attorneys would have doubts. We have personally met individuals who have stood up for their rights and beliefs, and now we want to hear your stories. Share with us a time you fought for something you believe was right even when others ignored the issue or advised you to move on. What motivated you to take a stance, and what did you learn from it? If you could make the same choice today, would you?

See Requirements
